Component Total Dismissed Active Translated
adotta-alveare 13 4 9 9
adotta-un-albero 26 1 25 25
adotta-un-ape 12 0 12 12
app 21 20 1 1
app-adopters 35 26 9 9
beekeepers 1 1 0 0
box/distributori 39 17 22 22
business 35 2 33 33
business/academy 11 0 11 11
business/alveare-aziendale 6 0 6 6
business/beenergy 7 3 4 4
business/regali-aziendali 28 0 28 28
call 4 beener 9 1 8 8
chi-siamo 19 10 9 9
commons labels 51 11 40 40
components boxStoresFaq 2 0 2 2
components businessFaq 6 0 6 6
components businessReviews 6 1 5 5
components giftBusinessFaq 4 0 4 4
components giftFaq 4 0 4 4
components osmiaFaq 10 0 10 10
components products 21 19 2 2
components team 39 39 0 0
components terrainFaq 4 0 4 4
education 26 13 13 13
email-feedback 3 3 0 0
index 22 5 17 17
oasi 13 0 13 13
regala-un-alveare 15 2 13 13
tecnologia (old crowd) 21 19 2 2
tecnologia adopt 34 34 0 0
tecnologia antitheft 12 12 0 0
tecnologia camera 23 23 0 0
tecnologia hive-tech 36 36 0 0
tecnologia presentations 9 9 0 0
terreno-biodiversita 3 1 2 2

Check details

The translations in several languages have failing checks