Component Total Dismissed Active Translated
academy 4 0 4 0
academy/network 13 0 13 0
adotta alveare 1 0 1 0
adotta-un-ape 16 0 16 16
adotta-una-scuola 6 0 6 6
app-adottatori 2 0 2 2
app-grower 1 0 1 1
box/adottatori 1 0 1 0
box/distributori 2 0 2 0
business 1 1 0 0
business/il-monitoraggio 6 0 6 0
calendario biodiversità 4 0 4 4
chi-siamo 1 0 1 0
common 4 2 2 0
esg/alveare-aziendale 7 0 7 4
esg/bosco-aziendale 1 0 1 1
esg/rigenerazione 6 0 6 6
home 4 0 4 1
monitoring 5 2 3 1
originals 1 0 1 1
owner 2 0 2 0
owner/preview 1 0 1 1
partnership-ricerca 1 0 1 0
podcast-biodiverso 1 0 1 1
regala un alveare 1 0 1 1

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