Check Total Dismissed Active Translated
Ellipsis 35 3 32 32
Unchanged translation 3,502 2,119 1,383 1,141
Trailing newline 15 0 15 4
Consecutive duplicated words 116 76 40 30
i18next interpolation 3 0 3 0
Punctuation spacing 127 10 117 82
Long untranslated 710 0 710 710
Inconsistent 220 128 92 90
Mismatched question mark 80 30 50 27
Mismatched full stop 671 56 615 319
Multiple failing checks 2,351 347 2,004 2,004
Double space 30 5 25 10
Starting spaces 13 0 13 6
Same plurals 4 3 1 1
Mismatched colon 10 2 8 0
Trailing space 272 0 272 138
Zero-width space 2 0 2 1
XML markup 233 32 201 89
Has been translated 4,817 0 4,817 0
XML syntax 44 28 16 13
Mismatching line breaks 57 19 38 13
Mismatched exclamation mark 77 18 59 27


Customizable quality checks will help you improve the quality of translations.

The checks can help you identify problematic translations or source strings which are hard to translate.